How to get Rid of Sluggish Bowels

Sluggish bowel syndrome is a condition that shows symptoms like constipation and painful irritable bowels. This is a medical condition when your colon is slow to move faeces through your digestive tract. The prime cause of this problem is poor diet and lack of fibre. However, this condition can be treated if you bring changes in your diet.

High Fibre Food

Eating processed food takes a toll on your digestive system as it doesn’t contain fibre. Fibres are indigestible part of food that add bulk to stool and help your colon to push it out of your body. The food that contains fibre is whole-grain food such as whole-grain bread, whole wheat, oats, oatmeal, fruits like apples, papaya, prunes, oranges, and cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, bok choy and Brussels sprouts.

Stop Consuming What causes Constipation

Iron, especially non-heme iron that is found in plant-based foods is notorious for causing constipation. Non-heme iron is not easily absorbed by your body and therefore it causes constipation.

You should take vitamin C along with iron to increase its absorption. Don’t consume iron supplements as they disturb the balance of microorganisms that leads to more absorption of water faeces that makes the waste hard.


According to studies, probiotics are conducive to promote a healthy bowel. Probiotics help increase good bacteria and whittle down bad bacteria. Gut microbiota is a group of microorganisms that help you excrete faeces, but it is possible only if good and bad bacteria are balanced.


Exercise is a must to maintain overall health. If you do exercise such as brisk walk, cycling and swimming, your blood circulation will improve and stiff muscles and veins will become flexible. Regular exercise can help your colon move faeces easily.

Focus on Natural Laxatives

Are you taking laxatives to get rid of constipation? Stop taking them because they act on your bowel movements. You should take natural laxatives instead, for instance, green tea. Drink water as much as you can and stop feeding on sugary beverages and alcohol.

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