Beginners guide: start with these 15 mins daily fat burning exercises and spot the difference in just 15 days

Can you really perform perfectly effective exercises only within fifteen minutes? Yes, you can. Maximize each precious second of your life with these useful exercise methods which we are going to burn your body fat.

  1. Warm up exercises
    It’s an easy exercise to begin with. You just have to stand on feet and bend your elbow having your hand on hip. Then you need to push your hip back bending your knees and reach your arms overhead with spreading fingers. Then slowly stand up. Repeat this process increasing your motion. It’ll take as much less time than 15 minutes.
  1. Dumbbell Squat
    Picking the dumbbell in hand you just have to sit down and get back again.
  1. Dumbbell Deadlift
    Pick a dumbbell with a straight hand and put it down again.
  1. Dumbbell shoulder press
    Pick a dumbbell with a straight hand and then bend your hand from the elbow. Repeat the same twice and put the dumbell down again.
  1. Push up
    Keeping feet together and bending elbow lower body until chest is above the floor.
  1. Sprint on the spot
    Stay in one place; alternate driving knees up to chest with pumping arms as quickly as possible.
  1. Squat thrust up and over
    Lower into squats having hands on the floor and quickly jump feet back into the squat with bending arms. It’s very easy to do and helps a lot in reducing fat.
  1. Jumping Lunges
    It is a right thigh toning exercise taking much less time.
  1. Lunges with Reverse leg raise
    It is a good workout which tones the glutes, thighs, obliques and helps us to reduce extra fat.
  1. Jumping jacks
    It is a less time-taking exercise which contributes to keeping out caloric burn high.
  1. Lateral Jumps
    Tone your core, glutes and thighs with this simple Pilates move. It’s going to help you to burn calories.
  1. Side planks with leg raise
    It’s a good exercise to reduce fats of thighs.
  1. Crunches
    You need to lie down on mat having your hands behind your head and keep them crossed on your chest and start to inhale deeply. It is an easy exercise indeed to lose fats.
  1. Twist Crunches
    Lie down on mats and having hands behind the head and bending knees and starts to lift your upper right torso toward left keeping the left on the ground.
  1. Side crunches
    Tilt both your legs to the same side simultaneously with your shoulder. It will focus on your side muscles and helps to reduce fats.

Hopefully, the blog will help you to reduce fat doing exercises taking less than 15 minutes.

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